viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

Pregnancy and the Flu

Pregnancy and the Flu

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Influenza, or the flu, is a very contagious virus that affects the upper respiratory system causing fever, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, runny nose and weakness. The flu usually makes its appearance in winter and early spring, but it can also strike in the fall and late spring as well.

flu, influenza, flu pregnancy, influenza pregnancy

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Getting the flu is bad enough, but getting the flu while you're pregnant can be a nightmare. There is a greater chance that you will stay sick longer, there are only have a few medications that you can take to safely relieve flu symptoms, and your risk for developing flu-related complications is increased. That's why the best thing for pregnant women to do during flu season is to take all possible precautions to avoid the virus, including getting a flu shot.

Influenza, or the flu, is a very contagious virus that affects the upper respiratory system causing fever, muscle aches, cough, sore throat, runny nose and weakness. The flu usually makes its appearance in winter and early spring, but it can also strike in the fall and late spring as well. While the virus is a nasty thing for anyone to catch, with pregnancy and the flu it can be particularly risky because a woman's immune system has weakened slightly during the pregnancy. Because of this, pregnant women are more likely to experience symptoms for a longer period of time, and their risk of developing complications, such as pneumonia, is increased. Studies have shown, however, that pregnancy and the flu poses little risk to an unborn child.

The best way for pregnant women to avoid the flu is to get a flu shot. Flu shots are recommended for nearly all pregnant women and are usually given in October or November right before flu season starts. Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself from the virus and can save you a lot of discomfort during the flu season. Other ways to avoid combining pregnancy and the flu include:

Frequent hand washing:

This is one of the most important things you can do for yourself to avoid illness. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after meals, after using the bathroom and frequently throughout the day. Washing your hands with antibacterial soap to get rid of germs is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy.

Stay away from people who have colds or the flu:

Common sense should tell you to avoid people who are already sick. Coming into contact with contagious individuals is an easy way to get sick yourself, so if possible, just avoid sick people altogether until they are no longer contagious.

Keeping your hands away from your nose, mouth and eyes: Germs like to come in through these particular places, so try not to touch them.

If you are unfortunate enough to get the flu, there are a few things that you can do to ease the symptoms and recover faster. Remember though, with pregnancy and the flu, there are many medications that you cannot take because they could be harmful to you or your baby. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any medicine to treat your flu symptoms. The following treatments can help if you come down with the flu:

-Acetaminophen for fever, aches, and pains
-Chlorpheniramine, an antihistamine
-Honey or other natural ingredient lozenges for a sore throat
-Lots of rest
-Increased fluid intake, especially water, juice, and tea

Getting the flu is no fun. Getting the flu while you're pregnant is REALLY no fun. Pregnancy and the flu just don't mix, so do your self a favor by getting a flu shot and taking preventative measures to avoid the virus.


Polar Bears, Rulers of the Arctic North

Polar Bears, Rulers of the Arctic North

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Interesting facts and background information on the great polar bears of the Arctic North.

polar, bear, bears, arctic, north, canadian, canada, winter, cubs

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Polar Bears, the Rulers of the Arctic North

The polar bears (Thalarctos maritimus) live in the Arctic regions of the north near open water where they can find their main source of food which are seals.  These bears are huge with adults at 7 to 8 ½ feet tall and up to 1,600 pounds.  Polar bears are white to creamy white all year round which gives them excellent camouflage against the Arctic snow when hunting.  Along with the Arctic fox, the polar bear is the most northerly located land mammal on earth.

Unlike other species of bears, polar bears have longer necks and smaller heads making them appear more streamlined.  Despite their large sizes, they are incredibly fast being able to run up to 25 miles per hour.  At speeds like this, a polar bear can outrun a reindeer.  They are also excellent swimmers being able to swim at about 3 miles per hour but for considerable distances. 

During winters, they spend most of their time on the ice floes hunting seals.  Polar bears have rough, leathery pads on the bottoms of their feet to maintain footholds on slippery ice surfaces.  Their adaptation to the cold Arctic waters is even more impressive.  Their thick coats of fur traps a deep layer of insulating air around their bodies.  An inner layer of fur is so compact that it is almost impossible to wet it.  An outer layer of long guard hairs mat together in the water which forms another layer over the inner layer.  After a polar bear leaves the water, it simply shakes its body which results in most of the water being thrown right off leaving the bear almost dry.  These protective layers of fur ensure that the polar bear's skin is kept dry most of the time, even while in the Arctic waters.

Polar bears hunt seals by waiting for seals to come through holes in the ice to breathe.  They also stalk their prey utilizing their white camouflage abilities against the mounds of ice.  Sometimes polar bears have been known to crawl on their bellies until they are close enough to rush their prey, particularly if no cover is available.  Besides seals, polar bears will eat Arctic foxes, birds, baby walruses and even man if they are extremely hungry.

Males and females stay apart for most of the year except during the summer mating season.  Females tend to breed only every other year and when they do, usually 1 to 4 cubs are born during March to April.  The polar bear cubs stay with their mothers for 1 to 2 years.  The life span of polar bears can be up to 34 years.

The Inuit hunt polar bears for their fat, tendons and fur.  Scientists say that climate changes have been reducing the ice floes in the Arctic which has disrupted the polar bear's feeding grounds and migration patterns.  There are estimates of about 22,000 to 25,000 polar bears left in the world with 60 percent of them in the Canadian Arctic region.  Their populations are thought to be stable for now but some speculate that the species is at risk.  Some think that if climate changes continue at its present rate and if worldwide hunting is not adequately controlled, polar bears could face extinction in about 100 years.  There is presently much debate on adjusting annual hunting quotas of polar bears, even for Inuit hunters, to further help protect these great bears.

Polar bears have become the most popular symbol of the Arctic north with representations used in everything from soft drink commercials to corporate logos of northern based companies including Canadian North airlines.  Nunavut even has their license plates cut in the shape of a polar bear.  Tourists can see polar bears in the wild through unique tours on specially designed tundra buggies in Churchill, Manitoba Canada.  It's also not surprising that polar bears are some of the most sought after Inuit art sculptures.  Polar bears are definitely the rulers of the Arctic north.


jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2011

Fuel Cell Power: The Energy of the Future

Fuel Cell Power: The Energy of the Future

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Many scientific and engineering thought leaders consider fuel cell power stacks as the primary technology in the evolution of electronic or alternative fuel automobiles within the next decade.

Fuel Cell Power: The Energy of the Future

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Many scientific and engineering thought leaders consider fuel cell power stacks as the primary technology in the evolution of electronic or alternative fuel automobiles within the next decade.

According to Makino, a global provider of advanced machining technology, technologically advanced vertical machining centers are proven to be the ideal method for machining and manufacturing molds for the production of fuel cell power stack separator plate membranes. These membranes are the key to producing affordable fuel cell power stacks.

Certain rigid and thermally stable vertical machining centers can produce a depth accuracy within 2 microns, and a superior surface finish quality of 0.4 microns in 40 Rockwell C steel molds, both of which are essential in making such plastic and rubber membranes.

These membranes have to be of high quality and specification to establish the proper electrochemical conversion process to convert hydrogen and oxygen from the air into water. The process flow then produces electricity and heat, especially when configured in a fuel cell stack via a reformer, which controls and regulates the hydrogen for safety.

Such an electrolyte or proton-exchange membrane separates and buffers the negatively charged anodes, repelling electrons, and the positively charged cathodes, attracting electrons. The membrane allows the electrons to flow through it to the cathode side of the fuel cell stack, generating electricity. Combustible fuels burn, and standard batteries store electrical energy as chemical energy and convert it back again. But a fuel cell stack provides direct current power.

Unlimited supplies of fuel cell stack energy can be created via the mass production of low-cost membranes, which can be a growing market for most machine shops equipped with technologically advanced verticals. This energy source can not only be used as power for automobiles but also as power for utility companies and home generation units, offering the world low-cost, safe, quiet, efficient, environmentally friendly and readily available power solutions.

From The Atom to The Black Hole

From The Atom to The Black Hole

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An alternative theory of the Black Hole.

atom, gravity theory, gravity, electromagnetism, Roger Rogers, Jesian, black holes

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A black hole is a region of space with such intense gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape. This is the general understanding of the black hole.

If gravity is still a phenomenon, how can we come to use this statement as if it was a fact? This is misleading. Besides, it is preventing our young thinkers from even to consider exploring the true nature of gravity.
One of the things that irritate me most is, when scientists quote gravity and build up all sorts of formulae and equations around it, when they well know that they have no scientific proof of what gravity really is!

As an authority, the majority of scientists are unwilling to admit that all they really know is what they have acknowledged from their tutors - a centuries-old legacy of scientific beliefs some of which were later proven wrong.

It is no secret to say that scientific research is sometimes corrupted due to conflict of interests or the lure of profits.

Personally, I do not believe that black holes really exist as described in the first paragraph. However, let us assume that they do!

I consider myself as another Faraday.

After many years of intensive study, searching for the secrets of gravity, I arrived to a point where I feel the need to share my theory of this so-called black hole.

According to science, there is more space in an atom than there is matter. So, from where does all the energy come to keep the atom together and active, may I ask?

This is my answer.

The energy comes partly from the electrical field of the planet itself. This electrified field is generated by the planet's inner core electromagnetism field, which as we know produces the north and south poles.

And, the other part of the energy primarily comes from the planet's nearest Star. This Star, in turn, radiates myriads of electrified particles that shower on to all the neighboring planets. By means of these electrified particles, the atom gets its energy and stays alive and active.

The Auroras at the North and South Poles are a physical example of these electrified particles.

Our solar system, and in turn our galaxy, works in the same harmony. That is why the planets revolve and hold their orbit around their Star. The planets and their Star attract each other because of these electrified forces.

This is what gravity is all about.

The same could be said of one galaxy to another that holds our universe together.

My theory stands that a black hole is nothing more than a space in the universe where the electrified energy of the neighboring Stars do not reach - and therefore an atom cannot survive!


martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Peru wants archeology back from Yale

Peru wants archeology back from Yale

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Peruvian authorities had notified the Yale University authorities that a lawsuit is prepared in case that Yale's peruvian antiquities would not be returned to Peru

art archeology peru peruvian yale machu picchu inca

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Rising proudly at over 7500 feet high ( 2300 meters ), Inca citadel of Machu Picchu was so inaccessible that the Spanish conquerors were never able to found it. But in 1911 Yale historian Hiram Bingham rediscovered it, and between 1912 and 1915, directed the National Geographic Society in a series of expeditions that ended in many archaeological finds that were transferred to Yale University, allegedly with the permission of Peruvian president, Augusto Leguía.

90 years later, Peruvian authorities wants all those objects back, and had notified the Yale University President that a lawsuit is being prepared in case that an amicable resolution would not be reached.

Although I found this kind of matters very, very complex, I think that the Peruvian claim must be taken in consideration. This would not only be a case of historical justice (in 1911 Peruvians authorities were not conscious of the artistic and historical value of the Inca artefacts) but also an uncommon opportunity to end with an old case of "art without context".

This kind of claims had been historically futile. From the old one made by the Greek government to the British Museum asking for the Elgin marbles, to the recent demand made by the Nigeria government around stolen Nok objects. But also remember that the Michael C. Carlos Museum of Atlanta has recently returned to Egypt the mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses I, given the "historical importance" of the object. So I will raise one question here: is it more historically important to a country the old, nasty corpse of an ancient King or the artistic artifacts from its most famous heritage city?


Pearl Jewelry - Fashion Trends For Modern Age

Pearl Jewelry - Fashion Trends For Modern Age

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The article provides some basic knowledge about pearls, and reports that the beautiful and affordable pearl jewelry becomes new fashion trend.

pearls,pearl jewelry,freshwater pearl,necklace,earrings,jewelry,shell,gemstones

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The classic elegance and luster of pearls has become more of a curse than a blessing. They may be considered lovely jewelry but are usually relegated into the background, in stuffy events like weddings, christenings and coming out balls. Pearl necklaces have sometimes been equated with "squares", spinster aunts, grandmothers and the old South. Pearls have had a hard time competing with more edgy jewelry like the luscious and high-class gemstones like diamonds, rubies, sapphires, and even semi-precious stones like opal and garnet.

Pearls have therefore become remnants of the past than beautiful gems that can be used as modern accessories. That has changed. Pearls have made a huge comeback into the modern scene just a few years ago. They did not really leave the fashion world but only had limited and specialized use. Today, pearls can be found in almost all kinds of fashion-related items.

The reason for this is the accessibility of pearls in the form of freshwater pearls. Japan has started this industry in the 1920s by culturing pearls using freshwater mussels. However, it has declined production but China has claimed the production of cultured pearls because of the high demand for them.

Donor mussels are inserted with irritants that form the pearls and some of these mussels can produce up to 40 freshwater pearls. The pearls are not as high-quality as the ones made naturally but the color and shape can be controlled and some freshwater pearls can be breathtakingly beautiful as natural ones.

A pearl strand belonging to Mary, Queen of Scots dating from 1550 is made of freshwater pearls. Scotland has been cultivating freshwater pearls, as well as North America but the extinction of almost 35 species of mussels in Europe and America has left Asia with this booming industry.

Because of its reentry into the world of edgy fashion, more and more pearl companies are striving to provide jewelry ideas for the modern woman. There are many ways that freshwater pearls can be used and integrated into a woman's fashion sense. They can be used as accessories. Pearl jewelry today tries to incorporate contemporary design and color into pearl necklaces. The classic pearl necklace and pearl choker has given way to long strands of irregularly shaped freshwater pearls in all sizes and colors. They can be paired with casual wear such as jeans, blouses and short dresses.

Pearl bracelets and pearl earrings come in magnificent colors such as red, turquoise and canary yellow that makes any outfit pop. Other jewelry options for pearls include adding beads made of semi-precious stones or crystals.

Pearls have dominated all aspects of the jewelry trade. Even the mother-of-pearl shell of mollusks is used for inlay work on bracelets with freshwater pearls as accentuating items. Pendants for necklaces and rings are now also popularly made of freshwater pearls. Even younger people have seen the flexibility and the touch of beauty that pearls give to an otherwise ordinary outfit and include these accessories while shopping.

Office women rely on pearl necklaces to give them that polished corporate look. Jewelry designers are coming up with more and more ideas for pearls. Edgy and contemporary jewelry designs have freshwater pearls in them, either as the main piece or an accentuating item. Indeed, pearls are here to stay.


lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

itrous oxide - Laughing gas uses in modern society

itrous oxide - Laughing gas uses in modern society

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Laughing gas, nitrous oxide used to be routinely given as a dental anaesthetic. This is no longer the case. Why not? What else is nitrous oxide used for?

nitrous, nitrous oxide, laughing gas, dinitrogen monoxide, dental anesthetic gas

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Laughing gas, N2O, dinitrogen monoxide or to use its older name, nitrous oxide has a range of uses in our society. Most of these would have to fall into the category of non-essential.

Nitrous oxide is well known as a dental anaesthetic gas. Having gas at the dentist though, is much less common nowadays, because of accidents that have happened. There have been occasions where patients have had the wrong percentage of oxygen mixed with the nitrous oxide they were given. The requirement in some states that a fully qualified anaesthetist is present when nitrous oxide is used. It is not as pleasant to be given nitrous oxide as it sounds, it often causes nausea and dizziness.

Whipped ice-cream uses nitrous oxide as the gas in the tiny bubbles. Nitrous oxide ice-cream chargers have caused death to individuals who have inhaled the gas directly. Nitrous oxide is not poisonous, but inhaled in large amounts, like this and without any added oxygen, it causes the lungs to collapse. Inhaling nitrous oxide in this way is illegal in many jurisdictions. Accidents have also occurred when people have confused nitrous oxide with the highly poisonous nitric oxide gas.

Nitrous oxide is used in rocket fuels and also by custom car enthusiasts to boost the performance of their engines. The nitrous oxide is a more powerful oxidizing agent than the 21% oxygen in the atmosphere. Temperatures in the engines are higher and specially designed valves are necessary to withstand the extra heat.

Nitrous oxide is extremely harmful to the atmosphere. It has 250 times the greenhouse gas effect as carbon dioxide. This means that 1 litre of nitrous oxide has the same climate changing effect as 250 litres of carbon dioxide. The quantities of nitrous oxide released to the atmosphere are small, so it still only contributes a small fraction of the total greenhouse effect.




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As the horizons of technology expand, the real world is shrinking into a Global Village; Nanotechnology is the new area of interest in technology.
Nanotechnology is an umbrella term that covers many areas of research dealing with objects that are measured in nanometers or billionth of meter. It is a hybrid science combining engineering and chemistry.


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As the horizons of technology expand, the real world is shrinking into a Global Village; Nanotechnology is the new area of interest in technology.
Nanotechnology is an umbrella term that covers many areas of research dealing with objects that are measured in nanometers or billionth of meter. It is a hybrid science combining engineering and chemistry.

 The goal of nanotechnology is to manipulate atoms individually and place them in a pattern to produce a desired structure. Nano-sized machines called assemblers, that can be programmed to manipulate atoms and molecules at will, would be used to build consumer goods. Some nanomachines called replicators, would be programmed to build assemblers.

Nanotechnology would enable creation of new generation of computer components with enormous storage capacity. But the greatest impact of nanotechnology could be the medical industry. Patients would drink fluids containing nanorobots programmed to attack and reconstruct the molecular structure of cancer cells and viruses to makes them harmless. Nanorobots could also be programmed to perform delicate surgeries.

For environmental clean-up, airborne nanorobots could be user programmed to rebuild the thinning ozone layer. Contaminants could be automatically removed from water sources, and spill could be cleaned up instantly.

Nanotechnology was first introduced in 1959, in a talk by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, entitled "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom", Feynman proposed using a set of conventional-sized robot arms to construct a replica of themselves, but one-tenth of the original size, then using that new set of arms to manufacture an even smaller set, and so on, until the molecular-scale is reached. if we had many million or billions of such molecular-scale products built from individual molecules - a "bottom-up manufacturing" technique, as opposed to the usual technique of cutting away material until you have a completed component or product -"top-down manufacturing".


Open Letter to Richard Dawkins and to the UK's Channel 4 Television

Open Letter to Richard Dawkins and to the UK's Channel 4 Television

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I watched your programme broadcast on 16th January on Channel 4. You expressed indignation that Christians and Jews should be allowed to teach their faith to their children. Does it ever occur to you that what you believe about the origin of life is equally a 'faith' which is to be accepted without question by millions of children and adults who are taught it in the education system and the media?

Darwinism, Christians, Jews, education system, atheism, evolution, Genesis record, God, creationism, The Antichrist, Big Bang, DNA,faith, Lord Jesus Christ, Channel 4, Richard Dawkins

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I watched your programme broadcast on 16th January on Channel 4. You expressed indignation that Christians and Jews should be allowed to teach their faith to their children. Does it ever occur to you that what you believe about the origin of life is equally a 'faith' which is to be accepted without question by millions of children and adults who are taught it in the education system and the media?

Since none of us were there when life began everything we believe about it is an act of faith. You are reading back into time supposedly scientific conclusions, which are actually extremely questionable. I have never found a satisfactory explanation from evolutionists for some very basic questions about your theory.

1. Where did the matter which exploded in the 'Big Bang' come from?

2. If the Big Bang is the explanation for the existence of the universe, how did an ordered world come into being out of something which would have generated disorder (an explosion)? Our observation of explosions (e.g. a bomb going off) shows that they cause matter to move from order to disorder, not disorder to order. How can you explain our marvellous planet which has all the hugely complex parameters necessary for life (distance from the sun, atmosphere, water cycle, soil, plants able to provide food etc) coming into being by a random process?

3. Darwin himself had little to say about the origin of the first life form by the forces of natural selection. Since the discovery of DNA we now know that there are no simple life forms but every cell contains a huge amount of information. To believe that this could have come about by random forces is the equivalent of believing the information in the Encyclopaedia Britannica could have been put there in the same way. According to your belief not only did such incredibly complex matter have to arise by accident it also had to have the power to reproduce itself otherwise the arrival of life would have been no more than a very temporary blip on the evolutionary horizon. All reproductive systems are highly complex but vital to the survival of the species.

4. Darwin acknowledged that 'to suppose that the eye could have been formed by natural selection (evolution) seems absurd in the highest possible degree.' You are on record as saying that 'it would only take about 364,000 generations to evolve a good fish eye with a lens.' This does not explain how a creature which needs sight to survive managed to carry on living for all these millions of years without eyes. Hugely complex organs like the eye, the heart, the brain etc are all vital to survival. Even more vital are the reproductive systems of creatures. All creatures that reproduce sexually require a perfectly functioning male and female to produce the next generation. How can such a system have developed over millions of years of trial and error as must be assumed by evolution? If the system is not functioning in the first generation the species dies out. The Genesis record that God made all creatures able to reproduce after their own kind makes much more sense on this issue than the conclusion of evolution.

5. Darwin acknowledged the absence of transitional forms in the fossil record and in observable life forms. There is no problem in believing in variation within species (short beaked and long beaked finches etc). But there is absolutely no evidence of variation from one species to another taking place or in the fossil record. There are also huge problems with this theory. For example how did the first bird develop the power to fly? If wings evolved over millions of years during the time they were evolving they would have been an encumbrance not an advantage. What would stop cat eating bird before the bird developed its wings? In which case bird species dies out before it learns to fly!

No doubt you have answers to these questions which satisfy you, but they do not satisfy everyone. You are asking people to believe that something could come out of nothing, that an explosion could create an ordered universe, that incredibly complex life forms could arise spontaneously out of non life and have the ability to reproduce and develop higher life forms. I don't believe this! But you are allowed to teach this to our children and to ridicule those who don't believe your theory on TV without giving them a fair opportunity to give a reasoned defence of your faith. The Christians you chose to interview were either on the very wacky end of the US evangelical scene like the man who agreed with killing those who work in abortion clinics or liberals like the Bishop of Oxford who agrees more with you than with what the Bible teaches.
On the subject of the Bible, your highly selective use of quotations to pillory the God of the Bible as a sadist ignored context and the overall teaching of the book. The significance of the Abraham and Isaac story is that Abraham did not sacrifice Isaac. Child sacrifice was common in the pagan religions of the tribes around Israel at the time and is consistently condemned in the Bible. In our time child sacrifice has again returned as we sacrifice unborn children to our gods of convenience and lust. There is a deeper message about faith in Genesis 22 which is beyond the scope of this letter. The incident of the man sending his daughter out to be raped by the mob in Judges 19 is hardly held up as a model of practice in the Bible! As the Bible is a realistic book it tells it like it is and does not gloss over gross acts. The period of the Judges is summed up in the last verse of the book 'Everyone did what was right in his own eyes' – i.e. everyone did their own thing rather than doing what was right in the eyes of God – rather like today!

Finally your view that supposedly scientific developments and the influence of evolution have always exercised a benign influence on the human race does not stand up to examination. Nietzsche, a disciple of Darwinism, wrote in his diatribe against Christianity, 'The Antichrist', 'Pity on the whole thwarts the law of evolution, which is the law of selection. It preserves what is ripe for destruction; it defends life's disinherited and condemned.' The Nazis took hold of this idea to justify eliminating what they considered to be 'life's disinherited and condemned' in the Holocaust. On the other side of the same coin, the Soviet Communists used pamphlets like 'The part played by labour in the transition from ape to man' written by Engels as the basis for their indoctrination of society with atheism and evolutionism. The end result was the gulags and the KGB and the persecution of non-believers in Soviet atheism (in particular believing Christians).

Not many people would agree that we are doing as marvellously in the moral sphere in our present society as you concluded in your programme. In fact we are on the brink of a collapse of the whole social and economic order as drug taking and alcoholism, sexual immorality, pornography and the breakdown of the family, violence and debt spiral out of control. We are fouling up the only planet we can live on and creating weapons of destruction which threaten the whole survival of humanity. All these things happening can be seen as the result of a rejection of God and the salvation offered us through the Lord Jesus Christ, not the result of following Him.
It would be interesting if Channel 4 or the like would be willing to put on a real debate on these issues, with Christians who know what they are talking about. Yours sincerely, Tony Pearce.

On the Nature of the Nazca Lines

On the Nature of the Nazca Lines

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Evidence from the Tiwanaku civilization in Bolivia reinforces ancient astronaut theory for the Nazca Lines in Peru.

Nazca, Nazca Lines, Peru, ancient astronauts, aliens

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In my prior posting, entitled "Ancient Astronauts and Contemporary Skepticism," I challenged the skeptics (assuming they do not want to acknowledge that the Nazca Lines were made to be viewed by an ancient astronaut) to provide a credible explanation of those geoglyphs. I argued that the people of Nazca cannot be considered unique in human history and that the skeptics need to find parallels elsewhere. However, I imagine that, instead of trying to produce a mundane explanation of the Nazca Lines, the skeptics could simply argue that I have not proven the contrary case.

The basic facts of the Nazca desert are easy to comprehend. Those large geoglyphs cannot be grasped by humans from the ground; in most cases, the hills or mountains are too distant for anyone to even notice that they are there. The figures on the ground can only be recognized from the air. Since humans were unable to fly until relatively recent times, it is logical to consider extraterrestrials as a potential explanation. I have seen skeptics, in desperation, argue that the people of Nazca, in the sixth century, knew how to make air balloons, but I do not believe it for one second.

For whom or for what did the people of Nazca make those ground drawings? Surely, they made those geoglyphs to be viewed by someone or something. That is unquestionable; it is not rational to believe that mass insanity could last the more than one hundred years it took to complete the project. If they made the geoglyphs to be viewed by an ancient astronaut, then where are their drawings of the ancient astronaut? Such drawings do exist. I provide one of them on my website, in a footnote to Gersiane De Brito's "Tiwanaku Alien and Evolution" article. That picture is not a geoglyph, however; it comes from Nazca pottery, but the timing coincides. This makes sense. They likely thought it might be offensive to the alien to draw a picture of the alien on the ground so they only put it on the pottery, where the alien could not see it.

Beyond any doubt, the ancient astronaut depicted on the Nazca pottery is the same ancient astronaut depicted in the Tiwanaku engravings. In the Tiwanaku versions, the aquatic, alien nature of the creature is easier to spot. Also in Tiwanaku, with all that bird symbolism, it is apparent that this ancient astronaut could fly, freestyle, up and through the air.

Thus, the Nazca Lines have a viable explanation: the geoglyphs were made to be seen by an ancient astronaut that could fly like a bird with the aid of anti-gravity hand-held propulsion devices, without the use of aircraft or spacecraft of any kind. The people of Nazca drew diverse animal figures on the ground to attract the alien's attention and to entertain it, and they drew lines and directional arrows on the ground to lead the alien back to the people of Nazca.

I think it time for the world's scientists, archaeologists, anthropologists, psychologists, etcetera, to come to their senses and try to evaluate, objectively, the thinking behind the Nazca geoglyphs. The potential for uncovering an instance of genuine alien contact makes it a worthwhile endeavor.


No More Distractions with Noise Reduction Headphones

No More Distractions with Noise Reduction Headphones

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Noise reduction headphones can help you get a little peace amongst the distractions of everyday life.

Noise, reduction, headphones, ear buds, cancellation, reducing, quiet, hearing,sound,canceling

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The world is a very noisy place with loud, intermittent sounds and constant, droning noises – noise reduction headphones can help you get a little peace amongst the distractions of everyday life. Headphones can block out the myriad of sounds that occur in a variety of setting and are helpful to many different people.

Sleeping – If you have trouble sleeping, noise reduction headphones may aid you in getting some rest. Barking dogs, traffic, and awake family members can contribute to sleepless nights, and for those who are sensitive to noise when they're trying to sleep, noise reduction headphones create a sound-free environment so they can rest.

Playing Music – Musicians often use noise reduction headphones to help them block out sounds that may interfere with them hearing their instrument. Once the background noise is blocked, they are free to concentrate purely on the sounds they are making rather than the sounds around them. This creates an environment of total immersion into their music and allows them to perfect their work without being in a studio.

Autistic Students – Noise reduction headphones can also be used in the classroom to help autistic children. Often classroom environments can be distracting to children with autism. Headphones for the children help teachers instruct each student individually so others aren't confused or distracted by the instructions for the other students.

Studying – Noise reduction headphones are very useful in situations where you need peace and quiet but can't always control the environment. Students who are studying may find noise reduction headphones helpful in blocking out the distracting sounds around them. Headphones create a peaceful world in which they can focus on their work, rather than environmental noises or the sounds of others.

Working – If you work in a cubical or an open-plan office but find yourself regularly distracted by people walking by, phones ringing, others talking, and the general chaos that can be office life, noise reduction headphones can make a difference. They can help you focus on the task at hand rather than everything going on around you which can boost your productivity and the quality of your work.

Noisy Neighbors – Living in an apartment building, condo or townhouse may include noisy neighbors. Depending on the thickness of your walls and ceiling, you may hear your neighbors walking around above, or hear their music or talking. Noise reduction headphones can block these sounds so you can enjoy being at home, even if the neighbors are loud.

These are only a few examples of the sorts of noise disturbances you may come across in daily life. Where once you had no choice but to be distracted, noise reduction headphones put you in control. Never again do you have to experience a sleepless night or a ruined project. Noise reduction headphones can be used to block out the noises around you: voices, car engines, train noises, barking dogs, loud offices, airplane engine noise, city sounds, loud neighbors, etc.


domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2011

Metal Detectors – Pre-Purchase Guidelines

Metal Detectors – Pre-Purchase Guidelines

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Metal detectors – When people think of Metal Detectors, some people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure while other people think of security, or the handheld scanners at a concert or sporting event.

Metal detector technology is a huge part of our everyday lives, with a range of uses that span from recreational activities to work and to safety. The metal detectors in airports, office buildings and prisons for example help ensure that no one is bri...

metal detector,metal detectors,handheld metal detector,gold finders,security

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Metal detectors – When people think of Metal Detectors, some people think of combing a beach in search of coins or buried treasure while other people think of security, or the handheld scanners at a concert or sporting event.

Metal detector technology is a huge part of our everyday lives, with a range of uses that span from recreational activities to work and to safety. The metal detectors in airports, office buildings and prisons for example help ensure that no one is bringing a weapon onto the property. Consumer oriented metal detectors provide entertainment to people and give chance in discovering hidden treasures.

There are many different kinds and styles of metal detectors - gold detectors, coin and jewel detectors, beach-hunting detectors, underwater metal detectors, handheld and walk through metal detectors. Buying a metal detector can be complicated. Before deciding on a metal detector, there are a few points you should carefully consider.

Where it will be used?
Who will use it?
How often will it be put to use?

How much do metal detectors cost? Metal detectors range greatly in price… anywhere from $75.00 to all the way into the thousands. It's advisable to do your research thoroughly and find out which features you should be looking for when purchasing. Another option to consider would be purchasing a used metal detector. It is best to buy used metal detectors from a respected dealer as apposed to advertisements found in newspaper classifieds. Most dealers will not have the manufacturers warranty but will offer a money back guarantee or trade-in options.

By carefully examining your options you will be able to find a metal detector that is suitable for your needs without the need to dig deep unnecessarily.

MALARIA, the silent killer…A simple guide for travellers

MALARIA, the silent killer…A simple guide for travellers

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Malaria is a very serious disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium.

malaria, disease,cure,drugs,symptoms,travel

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What is malaria?
Malaria is a very serious disease caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Plasmodium. Four species of the parasites produce the disease which is transmitted by the female anopheline mosquito. The most dangerous is P. falciparum. If untreated it can lead to fatal cerebral malaria.

What are the symptoms?
Flu-like symptoms: headaches, muscle aches, confusion, dizziness, vomiting (lasting several hours), sweating, tiredness, but most of all, fever.  Anemia and jaundice can occur.
Symptoms generally occur from 7 days to a few weeks after being bitten, however may not occur for up to one year.

How is it prevented?
The following drugs should be taken before embarking on a trip to a country where malaria is prevalent:
Primaquine (in special circumstances)
Visit your doctor or health clinic several weeks before travelling as these drugs need to be administered in advance.
A good insect repellent should also be applied to exposed skin whilst abroad; preferably one containing DEET (N.N - diethyl meta-toulamide) which is the only ingredient guaranteed to work and is long lasting. There are other repellents on the market for those not wishing to use DEET, but they need to be applied frequently.

What countries are at risk?

Afghanistan. Angola, Brazil, Benin, Burkino, Cambodia, Camaroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Comoros, Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial New Guinea, Eritrea, Faso Burindi, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Bissau, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Principe, Rwanda, Sao Tome, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Vietnam, Zaire, Zambia.



Making Math Fun With Everyday Activities

Making Math Fun With Everyday Activities

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Ever wonder if your insecurities about math will be passed down to your children? You're not alone. Many parents who struggled with math in the past believe that their children may have similar problems in the future. Relax. Remedial and even advanced math skills are not genetic.

Making Math Fun With Everyday Activities

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Ever wonder if your insecurities about math will be passed down to your children? You're not alone. Many parents who struggled with math in the past believe that their children may have similar problems in the future. Relax. Remedial and even advanced math skills are not genetic.

You can help your child acquire a love of math by turning everyday activities into learning opportunities.

According to Dr. Andrea Pastorok, education psychologist for Kumon Math and Reading Centers, fostering a child's love of math should be fun and stress-free. "Children have a natural ability to reason and problem solve. Parents who show enthusiasm for math will help build these important skills needed for life," says Pastorok.

Here are some simple activities that can make learning seem more like child's play:

• Draw a large number on a piece of paper and encourage your child to transform the number into his favorite animal, food, person or imaginary character.

•Involve your child in measuring ingredients when you cook or in figuring out if a container is big enough to hold her toy cars and blocks.

•Ask your child to count each apple slice or pretzel while dividing snacks onto two plates to share with a sibling or friend.

• When you ask for something, ask for a certain number. ("Can I please have five crayons?")

• Count together daily; count cars, trees, homes, stoplights. Each day, add a few numbers to your child's vocabulary.

• Teach fractions by cutting a whole sandwich in half and then in fourths, showing the relationship between "whole, half and fourths" -and then have your child put the sandwich together as a whole.

• Hands should be washed for a minimum of 10 seconds. Have your child count to 10 or 15 each time he washes his hands.

• Teach the logic of adding numbers. As she progresses, teach your child to count by twos, fives and tens.

• Talk about the shapes on a tiled floor. If you look at them one way, they're squares; if you look from a different angle, they're diamonds.

• Help him to see counting as a pattern and predict what comes next by asking such questions as, "We're reading page six in our book now. What will the next page be? What was the page we just read?"

These easy activities can build the foundation for an appreciation of numbers. In addition, you'll be delighted to see your child demonstrate creative reasoning, knowing you have stimulated it.


Lysenko and Stalin's Genetics

Lysenko and Stalin's Genetics

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Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (1898-1976) was an agronomist. During the reign of Lenin and Stalin years in the Soviet Union, he became the chief proponent of the work of the  self-taught plant breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (1855-1935) and his brand of Lamarckism - a pre-Darwinian theory of evolution of the species proposed in the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829).



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Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (1898-1976) was an agronomist. During the reign of Lenin and Stalin years in the Soviet Union, he became the chief proponent of the work of the  self-taught plant breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (1855-1935) and his brand of Lamarckism - a pre-Darwinian theory of evolution of the species proposed in the French scientist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). He was appointed as the president (1938-56) of the Lenin All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the director (1940-65) of the Institute of Genetics, USSR Academy of Sciences. The leadership of the USSR believed his promises to deliver rapid increases in crop yields.

Lamarck proposed that organisms can inherit traits acquired by their ancestors. The first giraffes stretched their necks to eat leaves on tall trees. Their offspring acquired this elongated neck and the desire to further stretch it. A species with long necks was born.


The Soviet leadership sought an indigenous theory to counter the "capitalistic" works of Mendel and Charles Darwin and to separate evolution from genetics.


Following a speech he gave at a conference in 1948 denouncing Mendelian genetics as "reactionary and decadent", Lysenko rose to prominence. Geneticists who opposed Lysenkoism were dispatched to the gulag as "enemies of the Soviet people". Most confessed to their "errors" in propounding Mendel's and Darwin's teachings - and, consequently, kept their jobs.


No one dared challenge Lysenko until 1964 - 9 years after Stalin died - even when he claimed, between 1948 and 1953, that wheat plants can produce seeds of rye. But, as the Encyclopedia Britannica observes, "he and his followers, however, long retained their degrees, their titles, and their academic positions and remained free to support their aberrant trend in biology."


sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Looking To The Past Of Geothermal Energy

Looking To The Past Of Geothermal Energy

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Geothermal energy is often viewed as a relatively new form of alternative energy. In truth, the use of geothermal energy stretches far back into the past.

geothermal, energy, power, fuel, resources, native americans, alternative, magma,

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Geothermal energy is often viewed as a relatively new form of alternative energy. In truth, the use of geothermal energy stretches far back into the past.

Looking To The Past Of Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy is literally, "earth heat". This type of energy's name comes from two Greek words: "geo" meaning earth, and "therme", which means heat. While it may seem that the use of geothermal energy is a relatively new idea, it is actually an ancient practice. Many different cultures have used geothermal power to their advantage, dating back to some of the Earth's earliest civilizations.

In order to use geothermal energy, the energy source itself must be tapped into. Geothermal energy comes from reserves of water located in the Earth's layer of magma. Magma, otherwise known as molten rock, is a super hot substance that springs directly from the Earth's core, which is a scalding 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Magma heats the reserves of  water located in its midst to very high temperatures, around 700 degrees Fahrenheit. These geothermal reservoirs, as they are known, can be drilled into or can escape naturally through cracks in the Earth's crust. These natural formations create such places on Earth as hot springs and geysers.

Geothermal energy can be traced back to 10,000 years ago when Native Americans used geothermal water found in hot springs to cook and for use as medicine. The geothermal energy found in hot springs was also used by the Romans. The ancient city of Pompeii used geothermal energy to heat homes. Romans also were known to use geothermal water for its medicinal properties; such as in the treatment of skin and eye diseases. Romans and other ancient civilizations also used the soothing geothermal waters found in hot springs for relaxation and natural bathing places.  In more recent times, France started using this type of energy in the 1960's to heat their homes. More than 200,000 homes in France are now heated by geothermal water.

Scientists and other researchers are constantly coming up with new ways to use the Earth's latent powers. While geothermal energy has not yet shown us all it can do, it is evident that many cultures have enjoyed its power already. From the comfort of a hot springs bath to the warmth of a geothermal water heated home, the Earth has just begun to use the energy contained within its crust.


Life of Leonardo da Vinci

Life of Leonardo da Vinci

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Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, cartographer, engineer, scientist and inventor in the 15th century.



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Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, cartographer, engineer, scientist and inventor in the 15th century. Yet, despite his genius, he referred to himself as "senza lettere" (the illiterate, the man without letters).  For good reason: until late in life, he was unable to read, or write, Latin, the language used by virtually all other Renaissance intellectuals, the lingua franca, akin to English today. Nor was he acquainted with mathematics until he was 30.

Leonardo was born out of wedlock but was raised by his real father, a wealthy Florentine notary. He served at least ten years (1466-1476) as Garzone (apprentice) to Andrea del Verrocchio and painted details in Verrocchio's canvasses. Only in 1478, when he was 26, did he become independent.

He was not off to an auspicious start. He never executed his first commission (an altarpiece in the chapel of the Palazzo Vecchio della Signoria, Florence's town hall). His first large paintings were left unfinished ("The Adoration of the Magi" and "Saint Jerome", both 1481).

Most of the sketches and studies for Leonardo's works of art and engineering are found on his shopping lists, personal notes, and personal expenditure ledgers.

No one was allowed to enter Leonardo's den, where he kept, as Giorgio Vasari in "Lives of the Artists", describes: "a number of green and other kinds of lizards, crickets, serpents, butterflies, locusts, hats, and various strange creatures of this nature".

Leonardo's clients were often dissatisfied with his glacial pace, lack of professional discipline, and inability to conclude his assignments. He was frequently involved in litigation. The Cofraternity of the Immaculate Conception sued him when he failed to produce the Virgin on the Rocks, an altarpiece they commissioned from him in 1483. The court proceedings lasted 10 years. The head of Jesus in "The Last Supper" was left blank because Leonardo did not dare to paint a human model, nor did he trust his imagination sufficiently. Leonardo worked four years on the Mona Lisa but never completed it, either. He carried it with him wherever he went.

Leonardo's terra cota model for a colossal bronze sculpture of the father of his benefactor and employer, Ludovico Sforza, was used for target practice by invading French soldiers in 1499. The metal which was supposed to go into this work of art was molded into cannon balls.

Leonardo was a member of the commission which deliberated where to place Michelangelo's magnificent statue of David. His cartographic work was so ahead of its time, that the express highway from Florence to the sea - built in the 20th century - follows precisely the route of a canal he envisioned. His scientific investigations - in anatomy, hydraulics, mechanics, ornithology, botany - are considered valuable to this very day. Bill Gates owns some his notebooks containing scientific data and observations (known as the Codex Hammer).

But Leonardo's loyalties were fickle. He switched sides to the conquering French and in 1506 returned to Milan to work for its French governor, Charles D'Amboise. Later, he became court painter for King Louis XII of France who, at the time, resided in Milan. In 1516, he relocated to France, to serve King Francis I and there he died.

Leonardo summed up the lessons of his art in a series of missives to his students, probably in Milan. These were later (1542) collected by his close associate, Francesco Melzi, as "A Treatise on Painting" and published in print (1651, 1817).


Learn More about Diamonds

Learn More about Diamonds

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Learn More about Diamonds

jewerly, diamonds, about diamonds,

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A Diamond is a mineral made of carbon that is crystallized. In fact a diamond is more than 99.95% pure carbon. The remaining 0.05 percent of the elements often influences the crystal's color and shape. The diamond is also by far the hardest natural substance known to man. Diamonds form between 75 and 120 miles below the earth's surface. Only at these great depths do the necessary temperature and pressure exist to form this unique gem. Diamonds were delivered to the surface by volcanic eruptions. These eruptions occurred over 50 million years ago. Geologists believe that the first delivery occurred more than 2.5 billion years ago. After reaching the surface, some diamonds settled back into their volcanic pipes. Other diamonds were washed hundreds of miles away by floods and rivers. Some diamonds reached the oceans and were washed back onto the beach. The first diamond mines were discovered in India before 500 BC. India has been the world's major supplier of diamonds for over 2,000 years, producing some of the most famous diamonds. Today, India accounts for only a tiny percentage of the world's diamond production. Today's diamond production leaders are currently Australia, Botswana, Russia, South Africa, Zaire and Canada. Before being transformed into a beautiful piece of jewelry, the diamond must undergo several stages. 
The diamonds that made it to the surface were forced up volcanically, through kimberlite pipes. A typical pipe mine consists of a large vertical shaft with tunnels running from the main pipe. The deepest mine runs about 3,500 feet down into the earth. More than 200 tons of rock, gravel and sand need to be blasted, crushed and processed to yield just one carat of gem quality diamonds. Finding diamonds and getting them out of the ground may require the use of jet engines to thaw the frozen ground or to endure the sweltering desert heat. Only about 20% of all rough diamonds are suitable for polishing; the rest are used for industrial purposes. Once the rough is found the diamond's journey begins. 
A large proportion of the world's rough supply finds its way to De Beers' Central Selling Organization (CSO). The rough the CSO buys is sorted into more than 5,000 different categories. Once the rough is sorted and priced, it is sold to manufacturers at sights. There are ten sights a year, each lasting a week. The chosen few afforded the chance to purchase at these sights are called sight holders. The balance of the world's rough supply is sold to private buyers, and some through private auctions. 

Regardless of the source, all rough eventually finds its way to the cutting centers. Today, the major cutting centers are Antwerp, Israel, Bombay, Johannesburg, and New York. Upon reaching its destination the rough is carefully examined to decide how it should be cut to yield the greatest value. After the stone's shape and size are determined, taking into consideration the rough's shape, as well as the number and position of its internal inclusions, the stone is marked and usually sawed or cleaved.
The stone then goes through a series of cutters who each have their own specialty. Finally the diamond is polished and ready for sale. 
After a diamond is manufactured it needs to be sold. For decades diamond manufacturers have sold their cut diamonds to jewelry manufacturers and diamond wholesalers who in turn, sell to jewelry wholesalers and to retail jewelry stores. Today's technology is changing the diamond pipeline. Diamond manufacturers now have a direct link to the final customer.

By learning the 4C's and buying only certified diamonds it is possible to purchase the same quality diamond for a significantly lower price, over the internet.


Learn From Earth Science

Learn From Earth Science

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There is so much to be learned in life, sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with all that I do not know. I've heard it said, however, that the smartest people are the ones that know that they do not know much. I like that. I like it because I am acutely aware that there is so much that I have yet to discover and understand. I am committed, however, to the process of constantly learning more. My latest subject of fascination has been wondering and learning about earth science....

earth science

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There is so much to be learned in life, sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with all that I do not know. I've heard it said, however, that the smartest people are the ones that know that they do not know much. I like that. I like it because I am acutely aware that there is so much that I have yet to discover and understand. I am committed, however, to the process of constantly learning more. My latest subject of fascination has been wondering and learning about earth science.

I haven't honestly thought that much about earth science since I took a class in it in junior high school. At that time I hated everything to do with science and so I didn't give much thought one way or another to earth science. I dreadfully made it through that class learning only the basics enough to get by (not the least of which I can remember now).

I'm not quite sure what inspired me to attempt to discover facts about earth science. I guess I began to become more interested in earth science as I had children and they grew up asking question after question. I could barely take them on walks at night without them asking me questions about the ground, the soil, the trees or the sun. I would fumble through answers and try to change the subject quickly as I admitted to myself that I really did not know much. So on my next trip to the library I picked up a few general books on earth science and began learning with my kids.

I have found that learning with my kids has become one of the best ways to grow in knowledge. I utilize their curiosity and take every chance I can at learning with them. It has been a great way for me to learn more about earth science and other things. I never knew how much motherhood would affect me, but I certainly didn't know how much I would learn because of my children's hunger for knowledge.

I have learned many things about earth science since our studies have begun. One of the biggest things I have learned is a deeper sense of appreciation for the world I live in. I have grown in amazement and wonder about the way the world works and about my small and insignificant place. I simply am astounded by the intricacies and details of our earth. Earth science has made me even more curious about the world around me.

If you have a craving to learn more about the world you live in, then start with grabbing a few books on earth science. You'll love learning so much that you won't be able to stop.


martes, 20 de septiembre de 2011

Nanociencia y Nanotecnología analíticas

Nueva sede IMDEA-Nanociencia

Nanociencia oportunidad.flv

Nanociencia: un mundo a otra escala

Nanociencia, nanotecnología y materiales avanzados ...

medicina con nano_tecnologia (chema_joserra)


Nanotecnología | NanoMedicina | Sanki | Belage

¿Qué es la nanomedicina?

biotecnologia - Segunda semana de la ciencia la ...

La biotecnologia Salvó mi vida - Lic. Carolina Garcia Mena

Nanotecnologia: Limpio como el Loto

Nanotecnología - El Poder de las Personas

Nanotecnología y Nanomedicina

Nanociencia y Nanotecnologia en la UNAM


Biología y sociedad: radiactividad, contaminación ...

Presentación Parque de las Ciencias